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Stop Thinking, Start Executing: 5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals

Writer's picture: Oliver BukasaOliver Bukasa

Updated: Jan 1, 2024

woman closed eyes thinking symbolising stop thinking and start executing on your goals.

We all have aspirational visions of the person we want to become ringing clearly in our minds.

But positive thinking alone has never manifested results. Without consistent action, our boldest personal growth goals remain trapped inside our heads instead of being realized.

In my latest Be Better Academy podcast, I uncover how to turn tiny steps into giant leaps using self-accountability to achieve your goals. Here’s why execution beats mere contemplation and simple strategies to close the gap between the person you are today and the best version of yourself tomorrow.

5 Key Takeaways from the Episode that you can start implementing today:

  1. Consistency is: writing a contract with your future self – Outline a vivid vision of specific accomplishments like waking up early, following a workout routine or landing a promotion. Revisit when willpower wavers. Remind your future self why these goals matter.

  2. Know what motivates you – Determine whether intrinsic passions or external incentives drive you more right now. Design systems aligned to core motivators.

  3. Create tiny step systems – Break bold goals down into smallest subtasks. Finishing actions is achievement itself, not just receiving the endpoint prize.

  4. Notice and rewire self-limiting beliefs – Watch for thoughts like “I don’t have enough time” that undermine follow-through. Consciously shift your thinking.

  5. Progress comes from a growth mindset shift into action – Don’t just analyze without moving. Forward motion creates motivation.

The Execution Edge to achieve your goals:

Sustained personal growth boils down to consistency in daily actions over quick fixes. Massive goals manifest through hundreds of tiny steps we take each day inching us ahead. It’s tempting to only glorify the finish line without respecting the gritty process.

"Stop contemplating. Start executing" – Oliver Bukasa

But transformation happens in those small moments when we courageously act despite discomfort, rather than waiting for perfect timing. Ever notice how good you feel after committing to a workout rather than waiting for motivation? 

Action precedes motivation.

So reflect honestly – is there a gap between your self-image and your current habits? Outline the next step, however small. Stop contemplating. Start executing. Tiny steps create giant results over time.

I expand on these 5 tactical ideas to build rock-solid consistency in my podcast, available on:

Spotify and Apple Podcasts or you can listen here

As always, I welcome hearing about your biggest takeaways and breakthroughs putting these concepts into action!

Speak soon, 

Oliver Bukasa


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