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Want to Change Your Life? Trust Your Obsession (Here's How)

Writer's picture: Oliver BukasaOliver Bukasa

Updated: Jan 1, 2024

A man in mid-air, jumping across a narrow ledge while appearing to be completely focused and confident. He is wearing athletic shoes and clothing and has a determined expression on his face. The image is titled "Trusting Your Obsession" and is by Oliver Bukasa

The potential for greatness is within each and every one of us. Understanding how to unleash that potential and achieve tangible growth is the question you need to start asking yourself today.

The answer, lies in trust - trusting yourself and following your obsession. When you begin to trust yourself, you develop the confidence, passion, and resilience needed to truly pursue your ambition and dreams and unlock your full potential.

But what does it mean to trust yourself and follow your obsession? And how can you apply these concepts to your life? In this week's letter, we'll explore these questions and provide actionable advice for those seeking growth.

WHY trusT yourself

Trust is the foundation and the space between human connections and relationships.

When we meet someone new, our perception of them is based largely on physical attributes and words.

Over time, that trust is built through actions, loyalty and consistency. Do their words align with their actions? If so, our psychological trust meter gradually increases until we reach a point where we are familiar with the actions of those close to us and can predict their responses to our needs and vice versa.

The pinnacle of trust is relying on someone and knowing they'll be there, are dependable and that we feel physically, emotionally and psychologically safe around them.

Trusting yourself is similar to trusting another person. However, trusting and knowing yourself is the foundation of personal growth.

It allows you to take risks, make decisions, and learn from your mistakes. Before embarking on any journey, you must have a strong measure of trust in yourself. When you trust yourself, you are confident in your abilities, and can overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

how to build self-trust

So, how do you do it. How do you build self-trust?

It begins with listening. Listen to your inner voice. I'm sure you've heard the saying, 'I needed to do some soul-searching'. Well, soul-searching is essentially introspection: a deep dive into your emotional and mental state, and how you process things that come your way. It's about paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and the emotions they stirs up.

A man standing near a window, gazing at his reflection while listening to his inner voice.

Your intuition is sometimes called your sixth sense, and for good reason. It's a powerful tool that can guide you in the right direction - if trained well.

The other key to self-trust? Practicing self-compassion.

We are our own biggest critic, and no matter how perfect we try to act, we will fall. But here's the difference between a growth seeker and everybody else: kindness, understanding and a learning attitude.

It's important to treat yourself with kindness and understanding. When you show yourself compassion, despite anything that comes your way, you build trust and resilience - the defining characteristics of greatness.

Another skill you need to develop (and develop well), is understanding your values and setting boundaries. The sooner you clarify your values, the easier it is in the long run. Learning to say no to what does not benefit or align with you in a complete sense allows you to stay on course and balance your life healthily.

When you establish clear boundaries you maintain your sense of self and protect your emotional and mental well-being. Clear boundaries also allow you to feel more confident in your decisions and interactions with others.

The final tip to self-trust: Getting out there and taking action.

Everybody talks, but a few act on their words. Once you have a plan or an idea in mind, start executing. This may mean starting your own business, pursuing a new hobby, or finding ways to incorporate your passion into your current job or career. Whatever the case may be, take action and commit to your vision.

And here's something to think about, don't wait until tomorrow to start. Begin today, not "tomorrow" or "next week", or "when I get this right". You first action can be a small act, such as writing: "I will do..."etc ect. This small gesture gives you a psychological head start, because you've taken the first step. Now it's about continuing instead of putting it off.

Start with small steps and celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small. When you achieve these small milestones, you'll start building momentum and confidence in your abilities.

The power of following your obsession

So, let's step it up a little.

Following your obsession means pursuing your passion and focusing on the things that make you come alive. It's what enables you to create something truly meaningful and fulfilling, both for yourself and for others. There's few things in the world that's better than waking up in the morning, excited for another day.

When you follow your obsession, you'll find that things fall into place, and that you're more motivated and driven than ever before. So, how do you find and pursue your obsession?

Image of a woman sitting at a desk, focused and engaged in identifying her passion and making positive changes in her life, with the guidance of Oliver Bukasa coaching

Well, you need to look at identifying your passion.

Ask yourself: What makes me come alive? What do I love to do? What motivates and inspires me? When you can answer these questions clearly, you'll have a better sense of what your obsession is.

Once you have done that, it's time to look at what makes you different and embrace your uniqueness.

In a world that wants you to conform to the 'norm' (same job, career, lifestyle), you need to understand that you are different and unique and have your own story to tell. Stand out and be different. You have your own gift and talent. Some that stand out, and some that need refining.

Embrace these strengths and use them to fuel your passion and overall, stay true to your purpose. Pursuing your passion is not easy. It will test you. There will be times when you face setbacks and challenges. But if you stay true to your purpose and keep your eye on your vision, you will weather any storm and achieve your goals.

How trusting your obsession changes your life

Before we move on, take a minute to understand how trusting your obsession changes your life. Here are 5 benefits:

  1. Greater clarity of purpose: Trusting and pursuing your obsession helps you gain a greater sense of clarity and purpose in your life. You know what you're passionate about, and you're working towards something that brings meaning and fulfillment to you.

  2. Increased motivation and energy: Pursuing your passion can be energizing and motivating. When you're working towards something that you care deeply about, you're more likely to feel enthusiastic and engaged.

  3. Increased creativity and innovation: Pursuing your passion can unlock your creativity and allow you to think outside of the box. When you're passionate about something, you're more likely to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.

  4. Greater resilience and perseverance: We touched on this earlier, but pursuing your passion is challenging, but it also builds resilience, character and perseverance. When you're faced with obstacles, you're more likely to keep going and overcome them because you're deeply committed to your goal.

  5. Greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction: Pursuing your passion brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. When you trust your obsession and are all in, you experience a sense of pride and fulfillment that positively impacts other areas of your life.

Powerful. Now let's look at how to prepare your mindset for getting to where you want to go.

Your mindset is the lens through which you view the world, and it can either limit or enhance your potential.

The role of mindset in personal growth

Mindset is often used as a buzzword, but in these letters, we're not focused on simple motivation.

The focus is on building your mental wealth, developing critical thinking skills and fostering personal growth.

Your mindset is the lens through which you view the world, and it can either limit or enhance your potential. That is why it's important to focus on developing a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is the complete belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

Woman in fitness clothing working out, lifting weights with a determined expression on her face, reflecting her strong belief in her abilities and passion for fitness.

Having this mindset unlocks your full potential and allows you to experience true growth. With a growth mindset, you:

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning

  • View failure as a learning opportunity rather than a defining moment.

  • Seek out constructive feedback to improve: Whether from a coach, family member, close friend or mentor.

  • Believe in your potential and focus on the process of growth, rather than just the outcome.


Setbacks are an inevitable part of life, especially on the path to personal growth. But when you approach life with the right mindset and preparation, you can overcome any obstacle and keep moving forward.

So here are 4 powerful ways you can prepare for setbacks:

  1. Build your support team: Build a team around you of people who believe in you and your potential. They can provide the encouragement and support you need when you're faced with challenges.

  2. Think self-care. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being builds resilience. Make sure to prioritize switching off, emotional, mental and physical rest, exercise, mindfulness, and spending time with the people you care about.

  3. Have a Plan B. Having a backup plan has always worked for me and for countless other people around the world. So don't believe the hype and throw all your hopes in one thing. It sounds valiant but detrimental if things don't go as expected. Plan B provides a sense of security and help you stay focused.

  4. Learn from setbacks. Setbacks are learning opportunities. Take time to reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently next time.


So there you have it. Trusting yourself and following your obsession are key components to you unleashing your potential and achieving true growth. By developing self-trust, pursuing your passion, embracing a growth mindset, and preparing for setbacks, here's what you get:

A life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and true to your purpose.

So go ahead and trust yourself, follow your passion, and achieve your vision. The first step starts today.


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